Friday, May 10, 2013

Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie

I am sitting here during my lunch at work looking at my blog. I have not thought about it for quite awhile seems my last post was in 2011.. Wow.. My life has been so busy or I am to lazy to post.. I guess if I am being truthful It's a little of both. I really enjoying looking at others blogs and hope to get mine going again. I love to take pictures and crochet.. And really want to post some of the new things I am doing... I have been using facebook quite a bit both for my personal page and my shop fan page..And of course instagram..I am looking now and my lunch is almost over. So it's ta ta for now and a post with some yummy crochet pictures later.... I hope so..I hope everyone is well and having a great day. It's beautiful and sunny here in NJ today...  ♥

Also I am seeing my signoff is on top.. Forgive me as I try to figure this whole blog thing out again..

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