
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

To much? Not enough? What?

Just added a bunch of new stuff to my blog, inspirational quotes, pictures of starfish etc. etc. Is it to much? Not enough? What. I like looking at all the stuff on blogs do you? Tell me what you think. I got it all off Blogger I wish I could add music and other cool stuff but I don't know how to do it. Oh well I am happy right now. It's cold here in NJ. Last week my husband and Victoria went to a U2 concert at the Meadowlands and had a great time. Jeff's good friend Lumbo who is an Oral Surgeon gave him the tickets and to Bruce Springsteen this Friday. I told Jeff to take Vic it would be her first real concert and she loves U2. They took the train in and had a really great father-daughter time. Victoria was going to go to Springsteen on Friday to but her friend Andrew invited her and Jillian to go tonight. I hope they don't freeze. Wow wow wow. He is suppose to play the whole Born To Run Album Holy Cow did she hit the jackpot. He has never done this before. And Allie gets to go with daddy on Friday her first real concert. Jeff and I saw Bruce last year and man can he put on a concert, he really plays to the NJ fans. We are lucky to have such great friends who treat us so well. We are truly blessed♥

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello, I'm back

Ok, so I have been gone for a week. I am going to come clean and tell you why. We were not having computer problems, my computer ,TV and phone were shut off because we could not pay the bill. It is so embarrassing to me to have this happen, but I figure alot of people are in the same boat as we are. My husband still does not have a job. He has been out of work since March. We have cut back on everything we can and are starting to live a more simple earth friendly life style. I have to say I like it. We have in the past bought so much stuff we did not need, now we really think about it. It's not about the stuff it's how you live your life. What you teach your kids and how you try to follow a path God would want you to.

So we paid the bill and now on on Monday we are switching back to the cable company, We were with Direct TV and I have to say it was the worst experience of my life. Plus we are getting soooo much more for soooo much less. Since this whole job loss I am not loyal to anyone if I can get the same thing cheaper somewhere else I am going for it. These companies do not care how they treat their customers. the Customer Service is terrible. I am getting off my soapbox now.

Vic made these awesome donuts in baking class.... We enjoyed them for a few days........
Vic enjoying her fabulously good donut...

The whole box of them ~ Yum-Yum. I think I gained 10 pounds.

Vic and the donut box.......................

Vic and Jillian at the Girl Scout Bridging ceremony for their sisters.

The Girls now Cadets and Mrs. Deegan one of the leaders. These girls have been together since Daisy's. I can no believe they are in 6th grade and Cadets.

Allie Bridging over and Mrs. Herbig one of the leaders.

Allie talking about respect...............

The three leaders, Mary Ruthie and Lisa♥
Vic trying her hand at stilts at the bridging ceremony. It is not as easy as you think it may look.

Allie ~ The new Cadet
Allie's Junior sash.............. ah the memories.

Every year for the past 30+ years our town of Dunellen has had Art on the Green. It has gotten smaller in the past few years but it's still fun. There are crafts and local businesses and groups that come out. I actually won some cool scapbooking paper, 4 stamps and stamp pad and adhesive from Stampin' up how cool was that. Victoria and I went we had a good time and saw people we knew from town. Allie was at Great Adventure with a friend.

Victoria looking at the sports vendor. He had players cards framed very cool but to rich for my blood.

We liked this motorcycle, it was a fundraiser for a group.

Victoria painting a pumpkin which she later gave away? Who knows.\

A view of Washington Park. This is where we also light up the town Christmas tree.
Maybe one year I will take part in it and sell my crochet.
Ta Ta For Now~
Peace, love♥, and crochet...


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I seem to be having a slight problem.............

Hello everyone, I seem to be having a slight computer problem. I hope to have it resolved in a few days. I have alot to blog about. Our past weekend fun, Vic's baking and much more. I am writing this post from my computer at work.

Wish me luck and hopefully will see you in a few days.

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


Friday, September 18, 2009

Thank goodness it's Friday!!!!! And I really mean it!!!!!

Hello good people!!! This is what our pediatrician always says to us and I love it.
This has been one heck of a week for me, my first full week of school and it was loooong. Anyway I survived and it is now the weekend. I was sitting on my deck enjoying coffee and a delicious apple pie that Chef Vic made in baking shop today at school. So yummy and the weather was fab to boot. A really nice way to start the weekend. Tomorrow is Art on the Green a craft event
in town that has been going on for over 30 yrs. More on that tomorrow as Chef Vic and I are going.

This is my pie, so don't even think about it. It was so very tasty. And I had coffee in my totally cool life is good mug I got when we were in Maryland over the summer. Can life get any better? I am really taking the time to enjoy the simple things we all take for granted and it's enriching my life in ways I don't even know yet.
Here she is Chef Vic with her apple pie... She is totally loving Vo-tech and baking. I think she has found her calling in life and we love sampling all her creations. They get to bring what ever they make home, how awesome is that? And today she told me there is a Shop-Rite food store in back of the shops right on the property. Wow.................
Two days ago Chef Vic brought home her first creation, huge and I mean huge chocolate chip and M & M cookies. She had 20 in the bag and in a blink of an eye they were gone. We had to go to my mom and dad's and have coffee and what else big cookies. And three teachers in my school were very supportive of Victoria's decision to go to Vo-tech last year so they each got one and sent home little notes, like the one above. I tell you I have never seen her so happy. Just look at her face in the pictures, kinda like mine when I buy yarn...LOL

Here is the pie in all it's yummy glory............. Thanks Vic it was great.

Chef Vic and her pie, I think I need to make her an apron.

The family enjoying yesterday's creation, Sesame Street cupcakes, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and some other friends. I have to tell you they were great, the icing was so good, not like the crummy cupcakes we make. She was able to bring home 6 cupcakes.

Jeff (Oscar the Grouch) and Vic. These guys both like to cook and are really great at it too.

All 6 cupcakes, they ran out of certain sprinkle colors hence "the friends". Who cares they tasted good.

One Happy baker............................... Look out Duff!!!

These are the bookmarks I am sending in to The Little Black Box for December..

A really terrible picture of my heart face scrubbies on The Little Black Box website for the September box. I don't know how to get it from their website to my computer. Maybe I will ask Bella from Bella Mcbride to help me. It's nice to have a copy of these things to show people what you are doing and have participated in.

Good night for now. The girls have gone with a friend to Pioneer Girls tonight and Jeff is busy making hamburgers for us for dinner, can't wait. Have a great weekend.

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

WE went to a Somerset Patriot's game tonight!!!!

Anne our school nurse gave us 4 tickets to the Patriot's game tonight. We sat right behind the dugout had free parking and and a b1g1 french fries coupon. We had so much fun!!! this was a sticker on the dugout.....

This is the game, at the top of the ninth inning Patriots 9 Lancaster 2...
Jeff, Allie and Vic having fun, we could put our feet on the dugout, that's how close to the field we were....awesome...........

Vic and Jeff watching the game...

Allie, getting ready to catch a foul ball...

Oh my gosh, she got a ball.... it pays to sit close to the field!!!!

It really was 10:00 at night, getting ready to leave at the bottom of the ninth inning, we wanted to beat the crowd.

Allie and Sparky Lyle and and the ball she caught in the gift shop.

Sparky Lyle and Vic in the gift shop.

This sign just cracked me up on the way in to the field from the parking lot.

A fun family time was had by all. It was such an incredible night to be at a ball game. There were not to many people in the stands. Jeff even took off work to come...

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


Saturday, September 12, 2009

I'm participating in September's Black box....

Happy rainy weekend!!! I am very excited to tell anyone and everyone who will listen, I am participating in September's Black Box from This is actually my second time, last year I participated in November. It's a really great place to promote your Etsy shop or website. She sends out about 175-200 boxes every month to people all over. The boxes are stuffed with great sample products people make.

This is a picture of the heart face scrubbies I sent. Plus for the next four months anyone who participates and sends in 50+ samples gets a free box. How cool is that, they usually run about $25.00 which includes S&H. It's well worth it. Go check them out and support handmade.

I thought this was a great way to jump start my Etsy shop... I will be posting new items for sale shortly ~

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


P.S. I will be participating in the Little Black box for the next four months, so look for me!!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A beautiful Saturday!

This is the table on my deck, As you can see I love the beach and candles. I just love looking over there at the table while I am sitting and reading on the other side of the deck. It make me happy!
This is the other new thing I am into ~ recycled bookmarks. I have made 10 so far and am having the hardest time parting with even one... Theya re so much fun to make, and the more recycled stuff you use the cooler it looks. I think so anyway>>>>

This is how it looks on a book. Not the best focused picture but I was to lazy to snap another one. LOL

A close up of four of them, I don't know I like them all. thay are all so different, depending on what I have laying around that I can use.

This is how they look in the back. I think I may sign and date them before I give them away.

This is the front of all ten of them, oh I just love them!!!♥♥♥
These are my new business cards that Michele from Sweetire designed for me. They are the best! I got them last week and am dying to hand them out.

So now you can see why I love these sponges so much. Besides being totally fabulous, cotton is very absorbent so they are practical to.

Today is so beautiful. Not to hot or cold, just about the perfect day ever. I started the day by doing two loads of wash and hung them out to dry on the clothesline, I love how clothes smell when they are dried outside. I read a bit and of course crocheted. My new obsession are kitchen sponges. I got the pattern from Etsy. I just love them. I am trying to cut down and reuse as much as possible and these are perfect. Big and juicy machine washable and I can make any color I want!! WOO HOO!!!

Peace, love♥, and crochet... Have a great Labor Day!!!!


Saturday, September 5, 2009

First day of school.........

Happy First Day of School!!!!!!!!!!

Allie♥ Vic♥

The 1st day Sept 2nd. The teachers and staff had a nice day, bagels in the am and a beautiful lunch supplied by the PTO. Even though there were no kids till the next day I cam e home from school and had to take a 2 hr nap. Gosh I am totally not use to working having the summer off. I love the teacher I'm with this year, still in second grade across the hall with Mrs. Vanraes. She was on maternity leave last year and is trying to get back into the swing of things too. She was Allie's 2nd grade teacher, so Allie was excited. We had three days of school and then off for Labor day. Trust me I think we all need that day off. At the end of the year getting out early will be great. Allie is in 6th grade this year and in the middle school. She looked great in her new plaid shirt and was so excited to start school. Victoria started her 1st day of HS I can hardly believe she is in 9th grade. She is going to Middlesex County Vo-Tech in Piscataway for baking and is totally excited. She has to catch a bus in the morning which is something new for her. She is doing well so far. We are all enjoying a beautiful lazy Saturday.

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fingers crossed................

I am keeping my fingers crossed, I went on the computer today and it seems fine... really strange but I am glad it seems to be working. I finished a post I started in August about Disney today and hopefully if all is still working ok I will have a new post tomorrow. Thanks for being patient with me, have a great day!!!!!

Peace, love♥, and crochet...
