
Sunday, September 6, 2009

A beautiful Saturday!

This is the table on my deck, As you can see I love the beach and candles. I just love looking over there at the table while I am sitting and reading on the other side of the deck. It make me happy!
This is the other new thing I am into ~ recycled bookmarks. I have made 10 so far and am having the hardest time parting with even one... Theya re so much fun to make, and the more recycled stuff you use the cooler it looks. I think so anyway>>>>

This is how it looks on a book. Not the best focused picture but I was to lazy to snap another one. LOL

A close up of four of them, I don't know I like them all. thay are all so different, depending on what I have laying around that I can use.

This is how they look in the back. I think I may sign and date them before I give them away.

This is the front of all ten of them, oh I just love them!!!♥♥♥
These are my new business cards that Michele from Sweetire designed for me. They are the best! I got them last week and am dying to hand them out.

So now you can see why I love these sponges so much. Besides being totally fabulous, cotton is very absorbent so they are practical to.

Today is so beautiful. Not to hot or cold, just about the perfect day ever. I started the day by doing two loads of wash and hung them out to dry on the clothesline, I love how clothes smell when they are dried outside. I read a bit and of course crocheted. My new obsession are kitchen sponges. I got the pattern from Etsy. I just love them. I am trying to cut down and reuse as much as possible and these are perfect. Big and juicy machine washable and I can make any color I want!! WOO HOO!!!

Peace, love♥, and crochet... Have a great Labor Day!!!!


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