
Friday, September 18, 2009

Thank goodness it's Friday!!!!! And I really mean it!!!!!

Hello good people!!! This is what our pediatrician always says to us and I love it.
This has been one heck of a week for me, my first full week of school and it was loooong. Anyway I survived and it is now the weekend. I was sitting on my deck enjoying coffee and a delicious apple pie that Chef Vic made in baking shop today at school. So yummy and the weather was fab to boot. A really nice way to start the weekend. Tomorrow is Art on the Green a craft event
in town that has been going on for over 30 yrs. More on that tomorrow as Chef Vic and I are going.

This is my pie, so don't even think about it. It was so very tasty. And I had coffee in my totally cool life is good mug I got when we were in Maryland over the summer. Can life get any better? I am really taking the time to enjoy the simple things we all take for granted and it's enriching my life in ways I don't even know yet.
Here she is Chef Vic with her apple pie... She is totally loving Vo-tech and baking. I think she has found her calling in life and we love sampling all her creations. They get to bring what ever they make home, how awesome is that? And today she told me there is a Shop-Rite food store in back of the shops right on the property. Wow.................
Two days ago Chef Vic brought home her first creation, huge and I mean huge chocolate chip and M & M cookies. She had 20 in the bag and in a blink of an eye they were gone. We had to go to my mom and dad's and have coffee and what else big cookies. And three teachers in my school were very supportive of Victoria's decision to go to Vo-tech last year so they each got one and sent home little notes, like the one above. I tell you I have never seen her so happy. Just look at her face in the pictures, kinda like mine when I buy yarn...LOL

Here is the pie in all it's yummy glory............. Thanks Vic it was great.

Chef Vic and her pie, I think I need to make her an apron.

The family enjoying yesterday's creation, Sesame Street cupcakes, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and some other friends. I have to tell you they were great, the icing was so good, not like the crummy cupcakes we make. She was able to bring home 6 cupcakes.

Jeff (Oscar the Grouch) and Vic. These guys both like to cook and are really great at it too.

All 6 cupcakes, they ran out of certain sprinkle colors hence "the friends". Who cares they tasted good.

One Happy baker............................... Look out Duff!!!

These are the bookmarks I am sending in to The Little Black Box for December..

A really terrible picture of my heart face scrubbies on The Little Black Box website for the September box. I don't know how to get it from their website to my computer. Maybe I will ask Bella from Bella Mcbride to help me. It's nice to have a copy of these things to show people what you are doing and have participated in.

Good night for now. The girls have gone with a friend to Pioneer Girls tonight and Jeff is busy making hamburgers for us for dinner, can't wait. Have a great weekend.

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


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