
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Our Kick Ass Yard Sale............

Jeff after the first day, we packed up everything because it had rained every night. The night of set up on Thursday, and Friday at the end of the day. Then we had to unpack in the morning. This is the last yard sale we will have for awhile. We had one 13 yrs ago when Victoria was just a baby. I like going to them more than having them.

My hard working family, Victoria, Mom and Jeff........

Victoria and Gloria, our friend and crossing guard. Boy was she a huge help in cleaning up after the sale. I was so hot and tired. She just threw out what she thought could not be donated or sold at my moms yard sale. And I gotta say thank goodness I was so overwhelmed at that point. The only thing she took from us was a lamp she has on her porch right now, what a gem and a funny lady to.

My dad and Jeff taking a break for a minute. This was our dining room table, it did not get sold so we are going to donate it. We decided not to have a dining room anymore. We are going to make that room our office/library. It's a work in progress as is our whole house.

Allie and some of her friends ~ they were a great help packing and getting customers to come to our sale.

This is the view from Allie's bedroom, and that is not even all the stuff. We had a deck and a driveway full of furniture, dishes and all kinds of stuff. Boy it felt good to purge. I am not into alot of stuff I once was. Antiques, Victorian, old china and doilies are just dragging me down,

Victoria having fun and working the yard sale ~ she did a fantastic job selling our crap!!!!!

We had a kick ass yard sale on July 17th. It was fun, at least the girls and all their friends thought so. It was alot of work that day and leading up to it. It was really hot, my parents came to help. My mom is the queen of yard sales, having them and attending them so her help was really appreciated. However she got sick and could not come back on Saturday. The heat really got to her.

We made out ok, got rid of stuff and got a bit of money to help us through the summer.


Peace, love♥, and crochet...


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