
Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hot, hot, hot!!!

Today as yesterday it was so hot here, as well it should be in August in NJ. This has been such a weird summer that I guess we got use to slightly cooler weather. It was great not having the air-conditioners on. I hate to be hot but we were trying to save on our PSE&G bill also. Yesterday and today we did have some air on. It was like 95 degrees and the humidity was unbearable. Actually broke down and got a small french vanilla coffee coolada from Dunkin Donuts. They are so good and addicting. A nice treat once in awhile.

We were at my mom's yesterday at a last minute yard sale ~ did not make to much enough for some gas and a bit more. Next week she is having her real sale that will be advertised and alot more people will come. We are getting rid of a bunch of stuff tomorrow, donating it to Lupus. It actually ended up being quite a bit. I will upload some pictures tomorrow. They come and pick it up. We will try to sell the rest of our stuff at my mom's if not we will call Lupus again and in Sept. and they will come out and get the rest. That will make us all feel good. We want to help others with stuff we may not want or need anymore. Plus it's good for the girls to see and it recycles unwanted stuff and helps the Earth. It's also wonderful to downsize, get rid of stuff and not buy things unnecessarily. You save money and live free and uncluttered. It's a good thing...............

Have been making more crocheted wristwarmers and will have pictures up soon. My mom was kind enough to get us a chicken from Costco for dinner tonight and it smells great!!! Have a nice rest of the weekend....

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


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