
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Some Things I have Learned and Knitting of Course!!!

I am eating corned beef as I am blogging, yummy... from yesterday. Jeff always likes to make it for St. Pat's Day. I lost another picture, I am getng frustrated and it's taking to long, after all I need to be knitting those Rocking Fingerless Gloves for Vic. I will attempt more tomorrow, maybe....

These would have been great to wear for St. Pat's yesterday. They are green and made from bamboo yarn and very soft...
Am totally in love with these!!!!! I just love the colorway........

Love these they using a double strand of sock yarn. They are not as bulky but just as warm and great for the spring.

I don't get this whole blog set up, I wanted this picture to go under the part I wrote about it and it ended up here? I anyone can explain please help. Now it will be out of order just like all my other posts. And I just lost the picture, will have to upload again. Please be patient....

I went on another Prayer Shawl Knitting Retreat this past weekend. I was so looking forward to it for weeks. The day finally came, but I had to run here there and everywhere before I was to meet the car pool in the chuch parking lot at 9:30 am. We were all in the car coming home from Allie's sleepover with Pioneer Girls when I got stopped by the Metuchen Police. Right Away I got upset, I have not had a ticket in years. I asked "Officer what did I do?" his reply was you went thru a red light. Now I know sometimes I am a ditz but I was like no I didn't. He said when the left lane arrow turned green you went and your light was red. Now no one in the car noticed this but I thought ok we were all enjoying our conversation and yes it could be, but it still bothered me. I was determined not to let this ruin my wonderful retreat. And it did not, I prayed about it and just let it go, after all there was noting I could do now. Coming home from another church event I saw at that same light that when the arrow was green so was the light for going straight. So tomorrow after work we are going back to the light with paper,pen and camera in hand to document the traffic light pattern. Hopefully it will be in my favor and I will go fight it in court. I will let you know.
At the retreat we learned that we should say no and not feel guilty, this is hard for me not so much the saying no but the feeling guilty part. That silence is a great thing. I am trying to lead a simpler life, some of it is due to the economy and that we have to use our money wisely but also it's a better way of life. I am not going to use the computer on Sundays at all, this is for me I did not miss it this past week. Hey it will be there the next day. We are also trying to reuse and recycle items, it's good for your pocket and the earth and even trendy. WOO HOO lets hear it for soda tab bracelets!!!!!

I have been knitting fingerless gloves like a mad women and still do not have a pair of knitted ones for myself. Vic wants hers to be 1 black one and 1 red one, her favorite colors. she wants them done by tomorrow, ok sure no problem. I think it will be longer than that since she jut told me today LOL.

Here are some pictures of gloves I finished and photographed today, I want to get them in my ETSY shop. Allie is my model with attitude. Enjoy, I did making them.
~Peace Debbie ♥

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