
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Art Fest 09 FBC Metuchen, NJ

Allie starting her painting, this is my last picture. Blogger is giving me a hard time uploading pictures and I have now become frustrated. Go to Facebook you will see them all, as it is so easy to upload.......

This is Victoria's painting, she ound time to do in between taking pictures!!

  • This is a picture of the cross we have been making for two years ~ since the Ladies Retreat in Ocean Grove. It's finally ready for grouting!!!! It is so beautiful the colors are wonderful♥
Today was art fest at First Baptist. It started at 11 and went to 3pm. We slept in late (it felt good) and got there before 1. The girls painted pictures, I got back on LIFT (Thanks again Mary Ann) and everyone had a great time. Go to my face book we uploaded 3 albums of pictures Victoria took. She did a good job. They still have to put moulding around the paintings/collages and grout the mosaics before they hang them all around the church. This will take awhile as there are a ton to do. It was a great idea. Children and parents were there as well as teens and the youth group leaders. I will post a few pictures here....

Well did not finish Vic's gloves yet, hopefully tomorrow as I will have alot of time on my hands since I am not going on the computer. In my last post I have made a vow not to use it on Sundays, but to havea dayof rest.

We did go to Metuchen on Thursday and documented all the info and there is no way I went thru a red light, now I just have to go and fight it this wednesday... wish me luck♥

Thats all for now need to do a few things like get the wash before I go to bed. Of course knitting to..
~Peace, Debbie♥

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