
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Out of commission for awhile

As some of you may know for the past few years I have been having problems with my eyes. I have dry eyes which is the stem of all the problems. It affects my contacts, but my eyes are so bad that glasses at this point would not work, they would be to thick and look like coke bottles. Plus I can see better with my contacts when I don't have any problems. On Tuesday of last week somehow I scratched my left contact, wore it all day and messed up my eye. When I took it out it ripped, I really did a number on it. Tried using my old left contact which was just as bad. Since my eyes are so bad they have to special order my contacts which takes 2 weeks I called on Wednesday. I have a long time to go. I am reduced to wearing an eye patch because I can not see out of the left eye. Wish me luck, it will be a challenge at work. I have compromised depth perception now. It's amazing how this can change your whole life, even if it is just for 2 weeks. I don't think I will ever take my eyes for granted again. Will be back when I can navagate pictures and blogging better.
Peace, love♥, and crochet...



  1. Hey, love your blog! I work at an eye doctor's and we recommend Systane Ultra eye drops to our patients with dry eyes. It's safe for contacts and you can use it every day.
    Try that, it really helps. I have been using it for a year.
    Hope your eyes get better soon!

  2. That sucks!! Nothing worse than not being able to see properly! I hope you get things fixed soon!

  3. Thanks girls, i will try those drops. I use Restasis but to rewet they may work!!!! Hey Bell... I tell you I am never taking my eyes for granted again.....

  4. Oh Dear me Debbie poor you....thanks for the info and l'll be sending you a don't eat it all at once will ya? hehehe
    Do hope the eye is better soon
    Never again will l complain about having to wear my glasses for reading!!
    Big Hugs Suz xx

  5. St. Lucy, pray for us!
    I will say some prayers for you today - our eyesite is a precious gift of God, and I am sorry you are having so much difficulty. God Bless you and speed healing!

  6. Hi Debbie...sorry l should have left the 2 messages here for you
    Had a bad few days before Christmas and never got round to posting cup cake but promised to post asap (did leave a message but you obviously didn't see it lol)
    Never sure where to leave messages with the original message or on the persons own blog !!
    So l will try to get it sorted this week a lot of mailing didn't get done before Christmas l'm afraid sorry hun but you will get the cake soon hugs x

  7. ooops hope you and yours had a fabulous Christmas and.....
    'pressie' shortened version of present hehe...we're always shortening things here in
    Hugs x

  8. Hi Debbie
    link to the crochet balls video....

    and the cupcake will go this weekend Phil Back at work and l'll have time on my own again to sort stuff
    Happy New Year
    Hugs Suz xx

  9. Hi Debbie well don't fall down will you your cupcake went in the post yesterday!!..big cheer sory sorry sorry it's taken me so long but finally winging it's way to your door
    Hugs Suz xx

  10. Hi Debbie...glad the cupcake arrives safely and it springs back into shape hehe
    Not done the pattern and l can't remember how l did the little rose must look at one l have left and try to get the pattern sorted for you
    The Baktus l just started with 3 chain and increased every other row on one side although it's not a big a triangle as l want yet Mark 3 still not made....making a felted bag for a friend at the moment along side the house hunting filling my time for now
    Have fun hugs Suz xx

  11. Thanks for the congratulations hehe so excited can't wait for April
    Hope you are feeling better?
    Hugs Suz xx


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