
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Well, it's now Sunday....

It's now Sunday evening and I have to say I did not do much at all this weekend. I had wanted to have Allie go outside and pose for me so I could put all my wristwarmers on Esty. But that did not happen. I really need to do that soon. I have to get some sales, I need to get Christmas gifts. Maybe I will see if anyone wants to trade, I did that last year and got some cool stuff. Maybe with the economy the way it is more people will be willing to trade. I guess I will have to look into it. My kids seem to be lazy to, Vic the Chef slept quite a bit today. Jeff had to work at his p/t job at Wal-mart today 12-9pm. He still has not found a full time job. Still praying about that. I also would like it if people would leave a comment for me. I'd like to know what others think of my humble little blog. It would make me feel like someone was actually reading it. LOL. Not much else going on, trying to crochet a bit. I am making lip gloss holders for my friend Maryann, still have alot to go. We are making a trade, hey maybe I will use what she trades with me as gifts. She make the best soaps ever. Don't you just love handmade soap. I do. It's a wonderful little luxury. Gotta run am making meatloaf and I need to put the bacon on. Yummy, I can taste it now. Jeff actually made it so you know it will be fab. Have a great rest of you Sunday and if you have off tomorrow, enjoy it..................
Peace, love♥, and crochet...



  1. No soap made yet, I need you to give me a private lesson!!! Are you kidding me wow. The teachers must be really unhappy. They are coming along when do you need them by? adate would help me. I would love anything from you.

  2. how are the lip gloss holders coming along?

    For that scarf you saw on my blog, I used Sensations Rainbow Classic Pattern from JoAnns. It is really soft and the skein is huge!


  3. They are coming along, we are doing a trade. Maryann makes the best soap... I love that scarf. I just made anothe neck cozy, multicolored. Love this one, now all I need to do is fing the perfect button!!!


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