
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Silent Day

Yesterday October 20, 2009 was the 6th annual Pro-Life Day of Silent Solidarity ~ Where you ready? My daughters Victoria (almost 15) and Aleksandra 12 were. They took part in this day and remained silent all day, even while being persecuted by there peers. I am proud of them. They were well prepared this year. Allie had asked the Principal of her school if it was ok to participate days in advance and got the ok. Some how on the actual day, it seemed everyone in her school wanted to participate. They say it only takes one person to make a difference in the world. I am not sure how many felt the conviction Allie did but at least if nothing else she made people, including teachers aware. Victoria was armed with a red marker and red notebook to answer questions. She had a hard time in her school. She is in 9th grade and the kids in her school were acting like they were in 2nd grade. But she remained Strong and made it thru the day. Last year she was not so lucky, they broke her and it really hurt her.

59 babies were saved last year, that they know of. There were important reminders and rules to speak of that needed to be followed:

~Not everyone will be nice to you ~ you need to remain peaceful and loving no matter how nasty they get. This is hard to do.
~This is a day of prayer, remain focused on why we are doing this.

This is Victoria wearing her red duck tape sign: PRO LIFE. She choose as did Allie not to wear it across her mouth.

Allie wore hers on her chest and it said LIFE.

Allie ready to go to school and remain SILENT.

If you are interested in finding out more information and maybe doing this next year, go to I am really proud of both my kids, they believed in something and made a stand, and they were true and real and loving in their stand. Allie's principal even said I knew you believed in this with all your heart!!!♥♥♥
What do you believe in, it's time to make a stand!
I found out tonight after youth group, when the girls came home that 21 babies were saved this year. God is Good!!!

Peace, love♥, and crochet...



  1. amen, glad you are teaching them young to take a stand and believe in what they believe in!!! Good for you

    If you would like come check out my blog for a giveaway. I try to have a giveaway every monday so make sure to follow so you dont miss out! Find it here:


  2. Thanks for your kind words, all we can do is try.. I will check out your blog.


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