
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jury Duty

Just a real quick post. I know I have been saying I am going to update my blog, but somehow life is getting in the way. Anyway today I had to go to Jury Duty in New Brunswick, NJ not Canada, Bella!!! I had to be there at 8am. I originally was called for Grand Jury Duty which consists of 18 weeks 1x a week. I was thankfully excused because of a great letter our school secretary Carol wrote. Thanks again Carol!!! It would have been disruptive to the class. Today was the longest 8hrs of my life. You have to watch a movie then wait. Then they called my number I was juror number 13 in the jury box right from the begining. The judge did his speech and we got to tell him why we could not serve. My excuse was not good enough and he said you either serve now or in 3mos. I choose to stay and in the end the lawyers dismisses me. I did not like the judge he was very loud and sarcastic with everyone's excuses. Went back downstairs, had lunch , waited some more. At 3pm they started calling numbers again. I did say a prayer, please don't call me and as luck would have it my number was not called. Shortly after we were told we could leave and in 10-15 days we will receive a $5.00 check in the mail for our services.

I am glad I was ecxcused, it would have been 2 weeks or more of going into New Brunswick 4 days a week. A thought I did not want to have. So I am free for 3yrs at least....

Have a great day ~ more later....................

Peace, love, and crochet...


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