
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I found another really cool giveaway!!!!

P.S. I forgot to add it was only open to US residents....

Hello and good day to everyone. It's another hot day here in NJ. The girls are swimming at a friends house and will be occupied and cool there all day.

I found a really cool giveaway, perfect for back to school and it's all recycled. So you know I am in love with it.

Go to to learn more. She is giving away some really cool stuff from a Trenton NJ based company called Terracycle. You can check out their website to. They even do fundraisers for schools by collected used juice pouches from you. Maybe something to look into everyone drinks them and at 2 cents a pop over a period of time you could make some decent money, but most of all you are RECYCLING!!!!!

They recycle juice pouches, candy wrappers, cookie boxes into really cool usable stuff that all the kids in your life and even some adults, such as myself would love!

About the giveaway: it runs from today 8/19 till 9/1 midnight and if you win you will get........... a really awesome and different Clif bar back pack, capri sun juice pouch. We have this and the girls love it we got them at Target last year and they still look brand new! They would also be good for holding crochet hooks and accessories. As you can tell I would LOVE to won one myself... you will also get some other small items.

You also have an amazing 7 times to enter.. So Go Now, Don't Delay... hurry get your entrie's in. I have 6 I was able to complete. Wish me luck I would love to win and actually go to Trenton to see the company. I went to school at The College of NJ formerly TrentonState College ~ it's only an hour away. I should check and see if they do tours or something could be really cool to witness recycling at that level.

Good luck ~ I will be back later with some pictures of my 3 new fingerless mitts I have come up with 2 knit, 1 crochet. Allie has to model them for me... TTFN ~

Peace, love♥, and crochet...


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