
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bad day!!!!!

Hello everyone, had a real bad day yesterday. My old car broke down and with the help of my friend Mary and my parents we were able to get home and borrow their car. I think Jeff has fixed it and believe me I prayed about this. Now my computer is messed up. When it rains it pours. I am borrowing this computer, the same friend who saved me with my car. Mary. Thanks Mar. I don't know when I will be posting, going on etsy or checking e-mail again and it's very frustrating. So wish us luck that we can find someone who can help fix it. Till whenever..........................................

Peace, love, and crochet...



  1. I'm doing what you asked...Good Luck!

  2. thanks, need all the good thoughts and prayers I can get!!!!!!

    Still borrowing a computer.


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