
Monday, August 24, 2009

Another yard sale ~ this time at my parents house

This past weekend we had another yard sale ~ at my parents house this time. We hauled a few pieces of furniture and other stuff over on Thursday and set up so we would be ready for Friday morning. The girls slept over and were up early with my parents to greet customers. My sister and her family also came, however the adults did most of the work while the kids were inside "hanging out". We closed at 3pm on Friday just in the nick of time. We had tarped everything up nice and secure for Saturday and prayed there would be no rain. It rained just minutes after everything was tarped and we woke to rain most of Saturday. My parents still had the sale as most of their stuff was inside the garage. We did not untarp and participate on Saturday. We did make about $165.00 and the weekend before she had a pop-up sale for 1 day unadvertised and we only made $35. Not to bad for the whole 3 times we made about $1,000. But it was an incredible amount of work.

Sorting, packing, unpacking, hauling, selling. Be sure we are not going to this again to soon.
Here she is in her driveway my mom the yard sale "Queen"!!!!

AS you can see my dad is feeling better, he could only stay outside for a bit but he loves talking to people and enjoying Allie his youngest grandchild.

My parents have yard sales 3-4 times a year. They have alot of fun and are really good at it. Their garage is set up like a store. People come looking for stuff all year long. They are known far and wide for their great "stuff".

This is some of the stuff we were selling, we decided to get rid of our dining room buffet and china cabinet. We already donated the table to lupus. We want to make the dining room into a office/study/reading room. And we are on the way to making that happen. My mom's neighbor gave us a really nice computer desk he did not want anymore. And with some of the money we made from the sale I went to Target on Saturday and bought 2 bookshelves. I will show you pictures when we are done with the room. Don't hold your breath though. I want to rip up the carpet and pull down the wall paper. Maybe Jeff will do this when I start work on September 1st. BOO HOO for me.

Some more of our stuff................................................... it never seems to end.............................................

Jeff ignoring me pretending he is working and my brother-in-law Paul smiling nice for me......

My sister Donna sorting clothes she is selling.
A view of the driveway. Alot of stuff ~ 3 family's worth and more stuff was in the garage and under the deck. Do we know how to throw a yard sale or what~~~~~
We just went over today and packed it all up...UGH is all I have to say about that. We decided that we are going to donate most of it to Lupus again. We left 4 pieces of furniture and 7 tubs at my parents for their next sale in late October. Who knows we will see. If not there is always Lupus. I think they love us!!!!
It's nice and cool here tonight, I actually sat on the deck a bit before, had a cup of coffee and read. It was sooooooooooooo nice.
Peace, love♥, and crochet...


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