
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things I've been crocheting♥♥

Allie really loves her new black fingerless gloves, she wants a pair in grey now to match a really cool knitted hat I made her!!

We sure love our ladybugs and the color black to.......♥

These are the first try at the pattern I got from I have made plenty of crocheted fingerless gloves but none knitted. This looked like an easy pattern as I had not knitted in awhile. They turned out well. I have tweaked the pattern to my liking. This picture is from Rhonda's blog. A great blog I might add. I have been readng it now for over a week.

This really adorable ladybug wristlet and change purse was made especially for Aleksandra for Christmas by my good friend Michele at She does great work. Her fabrics are such fun. Plus she is so sweet!!! Go check out her shop and tell her I sent you♥♥♥♥

This hat Allie is wearing was suppose to have been a neck cozy. The pattern did not work out and joking I said this would make a cute hat. Allie thought so to, she grabbed it for herself and looks cute in it. It's made of chunky ecru yarn so it's nice and warm. The cute flower on the side is from a pattern I bought from the flower is made from homespun, in a really cool bluish color. She is one of my favorite designers and so incredibly nice. All in all I like how the hat turned out. I still need to make the cozy!! ~ Peace ~ Debbie♥♥

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