
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

No Time To Waste!!!!! Hurry......

Hurry up, no time to waste, today is the last day to get in on this really awesome blog giveaway.. It's all about the cupcakes, yummy...
My friend Michele at is hosting yet another fab giveaway.
I myself am trying to get in as many entries today before the deadline as possible. I did not get a chance to before, but not to worry there is still time. GO DO IT NOW>>> You do not want to miss this chance. Have fun and good luck. ~ Peace ~ Debbie♥

Monday, February 16, 2009

Running Behind as Usual!!! LOL

Just a quick picture I took today!!! Hunter, the proud big brother, Kristin and Eliana Noelle...
What a beautiful family........ More to come...♥

Allie and her favorite teacher!!!!

Mrs. Bivaletz' class from last year saying good~bye on her last day!!!
We will miss you!!!!!♥♥♥♥♥

Double trouble ~ Allie, Mrs. Bivaletz and Samantha. Allie and Sammie have bee friends since before birth!!! They have gotten into their share of trouble over the years. If you look at them from the back you can't tell who is who!!! They were both in the same class last year for the first time together and had Mrs. Bivaletz. Needless to say, they both had the best year ever!!!!

Thank you, Mrs. Bivaletz ~~~

As usual. I am running a month behind! At the end of January a beloved teacher, Mrs. Bivaletz who taught 4th grade at Faber School for many years retired. Much to everyone's surprise, especially my daughter ~ Allie who had her last year. She was so upset, she cried.

~ Peace ~ Debbie♥♥

Sunday, February 8, 2009

We have a name!!!!!!!

First Picture.......

Welcome to the world baby girl!!!

Eliana Noelle Jones ♥♥


5 lbs 6oz

Isn't she beautiful!!! No I am not a prejudiced gran auntie!!! We can't wait to meet you and see your big brother Hunter!

~Peace Debbie♥

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Quick Update!!!

Hello people, just a real quick update. My niece Kristin had her baby this morning, a girl at 4:13. She weighed 5 lbs 6oz and is 18.5 in long. Everyone is doing fine, but they are tired.♥♥ Still no name, we call her BABY. As soon as I get some pictures I will post them. We saw her in a text, but it's not the best picture. The girls are excited, we are planning a trip to Pa. hopefully this weekend. I still need to finish the blanket and some other stuff. Better get going.... more tomorrow.
~ Peace ~ Debbie♥

Monday, February 2, 2009

Things I Have Been Crocheting Part 2

Stay tuned, more to come tomorrow..........................................
Here is a closeup of that fab pin I am so in love with. Now you know why I love it!

The grey neck cozy she is wearing is also from a pattern by boutiquepinkdesigns. I love this cozy!! Again I made it in chunky grey yarn with that fab pink flower. I also added a black bow under the flower. The flower is detachable as it is with the hat and can be worn on a jacket, tote bag or wherever. I just love that flower! I think I have made about 20 so far. They make a great pin.

♥Allie ~

First off we have some exciting news.... my niece Kristin is in labor. yes right now. She was induced at 8pm tonight. Allie is so cute and so excited ~ she said t me Mommy "How long does it take? It's been 2 hrs" LOL I told her go to bed and in the morning yu will have a new baby girl cousin...♥♥♥'

Needless to say have been making all kinds of stuff and gathering all sorts of fun and unique stuff from etsy. Will post pictures as soon asthey are available.

Now on to crocheting and knitting:

This really cute hat I made and Allie stole is from

She has a beautiful blog and some cool free knitting patterns.

I made this hat out of chunky grey yarn and used the flower pattern which I am mad for from boutiquepinkdesigns. I think grey is fast becoming a favorite color.

Anyway Allie looks adorable,she was made to wear hats!!!

I also made this hat in blue, with brown roses. It looks great either way.

~Peace ♥Debbie

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Things I've been crocheting♥♥

Allie really loves her new black fingerless gloves, she wants a pair in grey now to match a really cool knitted hat I made her!!

We sure love our ladybugs and the color black to.......♥

These are the first try at the pattern I got from I have made plenty of crocheted fingerless gloves but none knitted. This looked like an easy pattern as I had not knitted in awhile. They turned out well. I have tweaked the pattern to my liking. This picture is from Rhonda's blog. A great blog I might add. I have been readng it now for over a week.

This really adorable ladybug wristlet and change purse was made especially for Aleksandra for Christmas by my good friend Michele at She does great work. Her fabrics are such fun. Plus she is so sweet!!! Go check out her shop and tell her I sent you♥♥♥♥

This hat Allie is wearing was suppose to have been a neck cozy. The pattern did not work out and joking I said this would make a cute hat. Allie thought so to, she grabbed it for herself and looks cute in it. It's made of chunky ecru yarn so it's nice and warm. The cute flower on the side is from a pattern I bought from the flower is made from homespun, in a really cool bluish color. She is one of my favorite designers and so incredibly nice. All in all I like how the hat turned out. I still need to make the cozy!! ~ Peace ~ Debbie♥♥