
Friday, November 18, 2011

Was in a craft swap!!!

I participated in a craft swap/gift exchange at We were each given a partner, mine was Tiffany from Kansas. We  e-mailed and I found out her colors are pink and brown.

I  made her a brown neck cozy with a pink pin, matching brown ear warmers with a brown pin, a chunky,  pretty posy pin of course in pinks and another flower pin layered in 3 different colors. I also sent along a small bag of goodies I send to my customers... I hope she likes what I sent her. It was fun, I can't wait to see what I get!!!
 ~TTFN Debbie♥

Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie

Sunday, November 13, 2011

It's been forever.....

Well, it's been quite a while since I have blogged. Seems life gets in the way. Blogging, crocheting and updating facebook and etsy are a full time job. I already have a full time job and a family. I  don't know how people seem to do it all... I changed my blog around a bit, not sure if I like it. When it comes to the computer I am very limited. I know it could be like 100 times better but have no idea how to do it... oh well guess it will be like this for a while. 

These are a few pictures of some things I have been working on. I am trying to sell my crochet items so I can have Christmas money to buy gifts for my family ~ as our financial situation has not changed..       ENJOY!!!

And finally a picture I took of my daughters that I absolutely LOVE!!!!♥♥♥
Hope you are all having a great Sunday... as for me I need to go and crochet.. I have a few orders to finish and a swap gift to work on...

Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Summer happenings.....

This summer has been really busy despite our not scheduling things to do. The girls and I helped out with VBS at our church.

 We also tie-dyed small backpacks as a missions project to send to Latin America. It was fun, 160 dyed with the teen youth group.

We had alot of dye left over so anyone who brought a t-shirt could tie-dye. These are the one's I did in the dark for the girls. They turned out great, the best one's I ever dyed!!! 
My friend Pam and I went up to Stockton to Woodsedge Wools Farm for their fiber festival. This is the shop, The outside is huge and looks like a house.  The inside is beautiful to with lots of yummy alpaca items to buy.
The farm has 300 Alpaca's. This is the first time I have ever seen them, they are the cutest  animal and make the best yarn from their fleece.
 This is my friend Pam, she is the best knitter ever. She was making a really cool sweater, this is her favorite color.♥
 The girls after the show, it was in 3D, they got these cute Harry Potter glasses. My mom bought them the shirts. they each like different houses....

We were lucky to be able to go to Brick, down the shore for the weekend. We stayed at our friends Sue and Beth's hose. They have a great deck and a nice big pool.  We also went to the Tom's river ice cream festival. It was a nice weekend.
 Victoria and Allie enjoying the pool.

 Allie, Bailey the rat dog, we were watching him for my sister-in-law, Victoria and Gizmo Sue's dog and Beth. 
                                                                   Harry potter tickets...............
Me, Victoria, Jeff and Allie in Bayville at the bay.
  Jeff and the girls goofing off in the pool.
 Chemo hats I made for RAJKpatterns hat drive. I sent 4 to Alabama today in the girls name in honor of Nana~Evelyn Procek who passed away from colon cancer. We hope this will bring peace and comfort to the recipient.
I have been into recycling t-shirts, these are some bracelets I made. Came out really cool. It's amazing how many things you can make from t-shirts. Anybody want to send or give me some please do so.

Finally in June we ran down to Maryland real quick and had some oral surgery done. Jeff had an infection, I am getting an implant and Victoria had 4 wisdom teeth removed. This is Lumbo our good friend who performed all the surgeries and Vic with her ice pack Christi his wife devised....

Hope everyone is having a great summer. Please check out my etsy shop and my fan facebook page
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!!!
Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Platypus Day Everyone!!!!

Happy Platypus Day!!!! My daughter Victoria is a big Perry fan...  Enjoy!!!!!! 3/5/2011

Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crochet scarves and Victoria `~♥~`

 Some more new scarves I have been working on ~ This is a big thick and chunky wrap around circle scarf. These are really warm and look really great on.

 This can be made in any color and worn under a jacket or over a shirt ~
 This is the same scarf but with a slight variation on the stitch. Done in a thick and yummy barley color. This color goes well with everything.
You can wear this wrapped over once or not wrapped at all, either way it looks fab!
 Chef Vic came home today with some wonderful goodies she made in baking today.  She made me the sunflowers and Allie the oreo cookie cupcake, needless to say we were very happy indeed......................
 Victoria with her nice new Land's End jacket she got for Christmas from Gi-Gi and her new Ugg boots we bought her for her 16th birthday!!♥
 Nice classic Uggs, she will not take them off, they feel that great.

 Our sweet Victoria, happy 16th birthday!
She also made the heart shaped bagel. She had the idea and made them for the bakery in her shop. I had one ~ yummy♥

 Victoria is the bagel queen. Happy hump day and let me tell you this has been a tough week. We are so use to having a day off from school or a delayed opening from all the snow in the past month that it's been murder going all day... lol We have off next Friday and Monday so there is hope! Have a great night.


Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie

Monday, February 7, 2011

Chocolate Cupcake Circle Scarf

 Just a quick post and some pictures of a beautiful circle scarf I made for a co-worker. I just love the colors, they make me so happy!!!!  ENJOY!!! ~♥~

Just love this scarf, it can be worn under a jacket or over a shirt. It looks fabulous either way!!! 
 Close-up of the yarn and stitch, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT......
Can be worn many ways as well, looped over 3 times as in the first picture or 2 times like in this picture.
 So warm and snuggly......... ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie

Sunday, February 6, 2011

My daughter Victoria is turning 16 on February 14th, Valentines Day. I can hardly believe it, time has just flown by. Soon she will be driving.
Because my husband still has not found a full time Job from being laid off almost 2 years ago we can not have a Sweet 16 party for her. This makes me sad but she is ok with it.  

 I took her to the mall yesterday and was able to get her Ugg boots. We found the pair she wanted and she is thrilled. I was able to do this only because I have sold quite a few scarves to friends and co-workers. I  thank God for them every day. We also got her a Free Hugs bracelet from Hot Topic and a Perry the Platypus hat from Wal-mart. 
On Valentine's Day we plan to use coupons and take her and the family out to dinner to Red Lobster. My parents are joining us for the celebration.
We also decided she could have 5 girlfriends sleep over next Saturday.... So all in all I think she will have a nice birthday...
I thought it would be fun to make the girls crocheted cupcake favors. I started them yesterday. I added a lot of rice to the bottom to help it stand correctly and weigh it down. I am not sure if I like how the bottoms turned out, maybe a bit fat, but they aer all made and the rice has been inserted, just waiting for the tops. 
Here are a few pictures of the cupcakes in progress..... I will post more when they are done and of course the party.
The different colored yarn I am using. I am making 7 in total...
The fat ( I think) cupcake bases filled with rice to help balance the finished cupcake.
 These are the materials I am using to make the cupcakes, yarn and rice.
Picture of 2 finished cupcakes, 5 more to go! I also added a hanger to the top of the cherry in case they want to hang it. This can always be cut off if they don't want it. 
Gotta run and go pick up my husband form work, watch the Super Bowl, listen to some yelling and eat some good food!!! The girls went to a Super Bowl party with their youth group!!!
Life is good! :) 


Peace, love♥, and crochet... Debbie