
Friday, January 30, 2009

Playing catch up, that's all I ever seem to do!!!!

That's it for Christmas, we all had a nice time. We enjoyed our families in NJ and in Pa. Ate great food and got alot of nice thngs from Santa. I am caught up!!!


Grandma, Pa-pa and all 6 grandkids ~ my how some have gown.

How cool is this Peruvian scarf I made my niece Nicolette!!!
I promise only a few more pictures, I'm only running a month behind.

Jeff and Allie~Ballie

Aleksandra, Freddie and Victoria ~ Cousins ~

Some more happy memories of Christmas 2008. ♥

I got a Tom Tom from Jeff. We have named him Thomas. Now I have no excuse for getting lost. LOL Does that mean I ca take the bumper sticker magnet Victoria gave me for Christmas last year off??? It says " If you are following me, your lost to!" KIDS....

Allie also had the surprise of her life she got an I home for her pink Nano and a new Nintendo DS, yes in pink...

And accessories..................... Lucky, lucky girls ~~~~

Look at these smiling faces. Yes Santa was able to finally locate a Wii for the Procek grils... WOO HOO♥♥♥

Peace ~ Debbie

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happening's in December

Victoria and Allie's annual Christmas ornaments. Ever since each of the girls were born they have given ornaments to family members. Thay have their name on it and the date so it's all documented. Allie's are "The legend of the Pickle" and Victoria's are the penquins. It's fun, they have been making their own now for several years. Everyone looks forward to seeing the new ornament. My sister-in-law has a special tree with just the girls ornaments on it. How totally cool is that. We love ornaments. The girls 11 and almost 14 have enough for 2 trees each of their own. When they move out or get married they will be set and can add new ones every year. It's a nice tradition♥♥♥♥♥♥

Our house lit up!!!

Snowflake lights and Allie in the window.

The fireplace and stockings all hung and waiting for Santa♥

The tree in the living room decorated.

Allie and Jeff with our REAL Christmas tree. We usually have a fake tree. When Jeff worked at Treasure Island he got a really nice fake tree. This year however he was feeling lazy and did not want to put it up. The girls were excited about the real tree, I however was not. Pine needles all over and the ornaments fall off ~ it ended up being really pretty.

Our house decorated for the holidays!!!!

Cookies in the garbage, how sad.

These are the good ones.

These are the doomed cookies, they looked ok in the oven till the timer went off and we had flat mush.

I participater in a cookie exchange and made my sister Donna's favorite cookie recipe : Walnut Balls. They are really yummy, but it seems they were doomed from the start. I had to call her and ask her a question and ended up faking the walnut part. Then I asked Jeff to give me the flour never checking and it ended up being confectioners sugar. We had to go out and rebuy all the ingredients and start fro scratch. This was the day of the exchange. If everyone did not pitch in and help it would not have gotten done. What a great family I have!! Thanks guys♥ They ended up turing out ok. I almost called to cancel. I'm glad I didn't because I had alot of fun! Thanks Lisa♥

What a beautiful smile!!! Those braces paid off!

Victoria in her "DRESS" going to the Winter Wonderland Dance at LMS. Notice it had to be black. You look great VIC!♥

Nice shoes too!!!

Allie and I were both in the Faber Holiday Concert. Allie is in the choir, girls ensemble and band. She plays the french horn.

Well alot happened during December, so much I could not update my blog.
We participated in a kids ornament exchange, this was the ornament we made and how we packaged it. I think it turned out fab if I do say so myself and it was great fun to boot. We got 7 ornaments in return. We want to particiapate again next year!!!♥ I still can not get the hang of how to set this blog up so it makes sense , so please excuse the set up and enjoy what happened.

~ Peace ~ Debbie ♥♥