
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

So little time, so much to Blog!!!

I as well as everyone else learned alot and came away in such a peaceful state. All except for Val setting her shawl on fire LOL. we had candles lit and she got up to get something and the next thing you know her shawl was on fire. Thank goodness for Jane's fast thinking. Vicky fixed it for her and we all had a good laugh......

These are the authors with me and our Prayer Shawl Ministry's fearless leader Val. We would be lost without her. We love you Val...♥♥♥♥

I had a great time. I am actually going to start making a shawl for my niece, she is having a baby in Feb.

TTFN ~ Debbie ~ Peace

This is a Vicky and her very special shawl. She has beads, bobbles anything special to her on it. She jingles when she walks, but what a cool idea she called it her travel shawl.

This is me with the authors and my signed book!

This is Janet Bristow one of the co-founders and her very special shawl. This shawl is made from the leftover yarn from all the spiderwebs from every retreat. They take the yarn, it's all random tie knots and knit it in to a shawl. Anyone can knit a few rows, I did on the one being worked on now, awesome!!!

On Saturday, i attended a knitting retreat. It was wonderful. I belong to the BBPC Prayer Shawl Group ~ we make prayer shawls for the sick, new mom to be, bride to be and for anyone who needs comfort. They are blessed and given to the recipient. It's really wonderful the impact these simple shawls have. Ouer group was invited to the retreat. The guest speakers were Victoria Galo and Janet Bristow the co-founders of the movement. WOW is all i can say. If you want more info go to their web site This is a picture of us making a spider web. we each had to say how and why we joined the group. We then cut the yarn, passed our piece to someone else wrapped it around their wrists and and told them we are bound by this ministry.

I have been trying to blog about a bunch of things since Friday. On Friday 12/5 Allie my 5th grader got an award for attaining High Honor Roll. She was on the High Honor Roll all last year in 4th grade, we hope she keeps it up this year also!!! This is a picture of her and the award!♥♥♥

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Vic got her braces off!!!! WOO HOO!

At first she was upset they were off, for some reason she liked having them on. Now she is use to her new look ~ and she is doing really well with her retainer...
So far so good. It was worth it Vic♥

Thanks Dr. Rosenfeld ♥

These are pictures of her after she got her braces off!♥

On thursday 11/13/2008 Victoria got her braces off after 2 yrs and alot of visits her teeth are beautiful!! This is a picture of her before she got them off on "Her Big Day" ~Peace Debbie♥

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another post ~

One more totally yummy item being added. My fun fur trimmed Java Jamie... Love this, it really works and is so stylish to boot!!! I use mine all the time, I keep it in my purse. I LOVE coffee so I use mine alot. My kids even know how I like my Quick Chek coffee made. Yes Quick Chek, it's great inexpensive coffee ~ try the french vanilla cappuchino ~ to die for ♥♥♥♥♥♥

I am also going to add this incredible purple neck cozy. It is really stunning, so soft and warm. It has a huge purple vintage button that really makes this fab.

Some new flower spa scrubbies I am going to add to my Etsy shop. I am including in the set: 6 scrubbies, 1 inspirational soap from my friend and a smaller flower scrubbie as a bonus. I think they make great gifts for teachers, youth group leaders, crossing guards anyone really. A small gift to show your thanks!!!♥♥♥

Peace ~ Debbie

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gone way to long

I have been gone way to long... Life got in the way. So much has happened since I have written last. In August we went on a much anticipated family vacation to Disney World in Fla. and had a blast. Allie proved to be quite a daredevil, she wanted to go on the fastest rides and rollercoasters. She loved the Rockin Rollercoaster and the Aerosmith music. LOL I made everyone go on It's A Smallworld and everyone enjoyed it. The week went by far to fast. School started shortly afterward. Victoria is now in the 8th grade which I am totally blown away by. Next year she will be in HS. Where did the time go? And Allie is in 5th grade. She will be going over to the middle school next year. WE are back into the routine of school, homework and activities.

Just last Friday Allie had her tonsils and adnoids out. She did really well and is on the mend. Today she told me "Mommy i'm starving" so I made her noodles and she ate them!! WOOHOO She will be out of school the rest of this week. Am trying to sell my crochet and craft stuff on ETSY, check it out ~ They have really cool handmade items. Today I have really been working on my shop. I added a few new items and updated pictures I hated and was generally busy all day. It's alot of work but fun too. I have met some of the nicest people that I consider good friends now. I want to add some pictures if I can figure out how to do it on this blog.... Stay tuned..... Peace ~ Debbie

Well I figured out how to add the pictures now I just have to figure out how to lay them out better, bear with me as I figure this all out. I am surprised I got myself this far!!! LOL ♥♥

Friday, June 27, 2008


Well it's June 27th, I have been off from school for 1 week. I must say I really have not done much, mostly I'VE BEEN LAZY AND AM LOVING IT!!!! As of late I have been frustrated with the computer. My computer knowledge is very limited to say the least. I wish I knew more, my kids are 100% better than I am.
I have been buying a lot of stuff on ETSY and enjoying getting fab packages in the mail. I am also trying to get the things together to open my own shop: GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!!! It's a lot of work, My friend Sharon a totally awesome graphic artist hooked me up with my logo. It's totally fab and everyone who sees it LOVES IT. I have ordered stamps and fabric tags and all sorts of stuff to attach to or hand out as a freebie in the package and on top of all that have been crocheting my brains out. Still into washcloths I have come up with two patterns I would like to sell on ETSY A baby washcloth and a face scrubbie. Am still working out the patterns but it has been fun.
I also need to clean my house and get a huge dumpster to throw out all the crap and a lot of it is crap I'm sad to say, that we have accumulated.
My kids have been at my mom's for a few days nice for all concerned, she is teaching them how to cook, shopping, garage sailing and a lot of other fun stuff. I feel I should be paying her for CAMP GRANDMA AND PA-PA. They both LOVE seeing all their grand kids, which is a blessing for everyone!!!
Ta ta for now ~ Debbie

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Today is thursday ---

Today is thursday, all day long it's gonna be thursday, so no matter what you do and no matter what you say it's thursday!!!!! Sometimes when you have off a day it makes the week go by slower, case in point this week. Our special in school tomorrow is gym and we have field day in the afternoon, oh goody my favorite gym. I'm kidding, I hate it. We are going to bake out in the sun. Allie has a make-up game at 5:30 in Raritan. What a fun day. Thank goodness it's the weekend. We have alot of things to do around the house. All I want to do is crochet - I am working on face scrubbies all shapes and sizes, my kids like them. Hopefully I can crochet a little tomorrow.

TTFN............ Debbie

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Hump Day

Well it's wednesday, the middle of a slow week, even with the one day off. Not much crocheting or anything today. Allie my 1o yr old had a softball game. It takes up alot of time and when you get home not much gets done. Finally Men in Trees is on tonight. I have the DVR set. Allie who is in 4th grade made it into the school spelling bee. I found in her agenda book yesrterday the letter and 10 pages of study words. I am frantically trying to get them all on index cards for her to study. The bee is on June 3rd, not much time. It's always something, there should be 48 hours in the day. I hate to say it but I think I would still need more time. Well it's 9:26 I want to make some coffee and get settled in for MIT maybe crochet a face scrubbie before it. TTFN ---

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Back to work -

Well it's Tuesday, back to work and school. I really got the feeling of summer yesterday sitting on my newly powerwashed deck and crocheting washcloths of course 'till 8:30 pm. It was hard to get up and go back to school. The good news is only 15 more days and alot of them are 1/2 days. I had my favorite lunch today-PIZZA STICKS yum yum!!!!!!!!! My 13 yr old daughter Victora's softball game was cancelled due to alot of rain. It's now 8:56 have to go and get ready to do it all again tomorrow.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Took the plunge -

I have been reading a lot of great blogs and decided to start my own. I am new to this and not to computer savvy. I will need to consult my daughters constantly. It's Memorial Day and I have just missed the town parade. Oops. On to the BBQ. I hope to share my yarn adventures and life in general. I am obsessed with making washcloths at the moment and plan to give them w/body wash to all the teachers as an end of the year gift. I think I package it really nice. I roll the washcloth and tie a ribbon around it, place that and the body wash in a clear cellophane bag with punched hearts scattered on the bottom. I put a handmade tag on the washcloth stating it's 100% cotton and machine washable. To finish it off I tie a matching bow around the bag and another handmade tag with the recipient's name on it. I have given some as gits and the response has been very positive. They end up being really great, I bought about 15 different colors of cotton yarn. If I can figure out how to post a picture I will. Ta ta for now......