
Friday, June 27, 2008


Well it's June 27th, I have been off from school for 1 week. I must say I really have not done much, mostly I'VE BEEN LAZY AND AM LOVING IT!!!! As of late I have been frustrated with the computer. My computer knowledge is very limited to say the least. I wish I knew more, my kids are 100% better than I am.
I have been buying a lot of stuff on ETSY and enjoying getting fab packages in the mail. I am also trying to get the things together to open my own shop: GIRLS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!!! It's a lot of work, My friend Sharon a totally awesome graphic artist hooked me up with my logo. It's totally fab and everyone who sees it LOVES IT. I have ordered stamps and fabric tags and all sorts of stuff to attach to or hand out as a freebie in the package and on top of all that have been crocheting my brains out. Still into washcloths I have come up with two patterns I would like to sell on ETSY A baby washcloth and a face scrubbie. Am still working out the patterns but it has been fun.
I also need to clean my house and get a huge dumpster to throw out all the crap and a lot of it is crap I'm sad to say, that we have accumulated.
My kids have been at my mom's for a few days nice for all concerned, she is teaching them how to cook, shopping, garage sailing and a lot of other fun stuff. I feel I should be paying her for CAMP GRANDMA AND PA-PA. They both LOVE seeing all their grand kids, which is a blessing for everyone!!!
Ta ta for now ~ Debbie